Over 30 years of Excellence

Over 30 years of Excellence
We provide a free initial consultation in criminal cases. We do not handle Legal Aid cases. We do not act on a no win, no fee basis. All enquiries are completely confidential.
Here at Criminal Defence Solicitors we cover the following motoring offences: Drink Driving, Speeding, Mobile Phone, Drug Driving, No Insurance and Dangerous Driving.
All five types of assault have the same underpinning in law, namely the application by one person of unlawful force to another person.
There are a range of defences available to those accused of any assault and their likelihood of success will vary depending on the circumstances...
Harassment occurs when somebody pursues a course of conduct on two or more occasions that amounts to harassment – not the most helpful definition in the world.
A person is guilty of sexual assault when they touch another person without that person’s permission and the touching is sexual in nature.
If you have been accused of possessing a dangerous dog, whether it’s said to be dangerous because of its actions or because of its breed.
In 2010, Parliament criminalised the paying or receiving of bribes. Those offences are widely drafted and, although they are aimed at businesses.
Fraud is a wide-ranging term that covers a multitude of offences involving deception or misrepresentation and a financial gain or loss.
We are specialist criminal defence solicitors who can help you with any criminal law challenge you may face whether it relates to your personal life or your business.
Originally established in London in the late 1990s we have a wealth of experience defending people and businesses against accusations of criminal wrongdoing.