Over 30 years of Excellence

Over 30 years of Excellence
We provide a free initial consultation in criminal cases. We do not handle Legal Aid cases. We do not act on a no win, no fee basis. All enquiries are completely confidential.
We are specialist motoring offence solicitors in Basildon, who can help you with any motoring law challenge you may face whether it relates to your personal life or your business.
With locations in Oxfordshire and Richmond, London. We can assist if you're looking for a specialist in driving offences. Our team represents clients throughout Wales and England.
We built our service around the requirements of our customers. facilitating greater access to a specialised defence attorney for drivers. Although many of our disputes are settled before trial, we maintain good relationships with barristers who may represent us in court as needed.
We have a thorough understanding of driving law thanks to our many years of expertise. We have successfully defended 100s of customers over the years.
We provide a free initial consultation in criminal cases. We do not handle Legal Aid cases. We do not act on a no win, no fee basis. All enquiries are completely confidential.
If you have been accused of drink driving or charged with drink driving (DUI), You may be facing a drink driving ban – Criminal Defence Solicitors can assist you. Drinking and driving (drink driving / DUI) is a serious driving offence. It carries a minimum 12 month ban. One way to avoid a drink driving ban is to dispute and defend the allegation against you. Offence Codes: DR10, DR20, DR30, DR40, DR50, DR60, DR70
Call our expert Drink Driving Solicitors in Basildon Today on 020 8158 9007
Don’t risk points and a fine – Criminal Defence Solicitors can assist you. If you receive penalty points for SP10, SP20, SP30, SP40 & SP50. To convict a person of speeding, the prosecution must prove beyond reasonable doubt that: You driving, You were driving a motor vehicle, You were driving on a public road, or in a public place, You were driving at a speed that exceeded the speed limit for that road.
Call our expert Speeding Offence Solicitors in Basildon Today on 020 8158 9007
Wrongly accused of using your mobile phone while driving in Basildon? If convicted, you will receive 6 points and a fine – Our Expert Motoring Offence Solicitors in Basildon can assist you. It is a driving offence to use a hand-held mobile phone or device whilst operating a motor vehicle. If found guilty, this driving offence carries a fine of up to £1,000 and 6 penalty points.
Call our expert Driving Solicitors in Basildon Today on 020 8158 9007
If you have been accused of driving While Unfit Due to the Influence of Drugs (drug driving), Don’t risk a drug driving ban – Criminal Defence Solicitors can help you keep hold of your licence. 2Section 56 of the Crime and Courts Act 2013 inserted s.5A into the Road Traffic Act 1988, making it illegal to drive whilst particular controlled drugs are present in an individual’s system over a specified blood concentration level.
Call our expert Drug Driving Solicitors in Basildon Today on 020 8158 9007
It is the law to have third party insurance; non-compliance with this law is a serious motoring offence. If caught, the police may issue you with a Fixed Penalty of £300 and 6 points on your licence, but if the matter goes to court, you may be required to pay a substantial fine, receive 6 or 8 penalty points, or even be disqualified from driving. Our expert lawyers can give quality advice, assistance, and representation, and are your best chance of holding onto your licence.
Call our expert Motoring Offence Solicitors in Basildon Today on 020 8158 9007
Dangerous driving is probably the most serious motoring offence you can be convicted of, and as such carries a significant risk of imprisonment. If you have been cautioned for this offence, you will require expert representation urgently and in advance of the charge being issued.
Call our expert Motoring Offence Solicitors in Basildon Today on 020 8158 9007